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Make the new DaVinci working with ProdConf

Davide Fazzini requested to merge dfazzini_run_davinci_with_prodconf into master

Adding a new DaVinci Configurable to make ProdConf able to run the new DaVinci configuration. See related issues: lhcb-datapkg/ProdConf#5 (closed), In addition, some small changes are applied in a few scripts in order to increase the DaVinci flexibility when run without a specific input database.

This MR doesn't require any change in ProdConf since the new Configurable is built in such a way to match the structure expected by ProdConf. Two option files are created to run locally ProdConf using the following command:

xenv --xml ProdConf/ProdConf.xenv ./run Phys/DaVinci/options/ Phys/DaVinci/options/ is used to set the options required to run the DaVinci job, while set the options that have to be propagated by ProdConf itself.

A further dedicated test is added to check the correct configuration when running the job with the DaVinci Configurable. The file Phys/DaVinci/options/ is a prototype for a possible option file to be run in ProdConf.

Edited by Davide Fazzini

Merge request reports
