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Draft: First implementation of TORCH detector

Michal Kreps requested to merge torchSim11 into master

First go at TORCH implementation in DD4HEP. Needed elements are:

  • Geometry with relevant constructors. These should be ready, but need to be checked that everything is there. Probably will also have to adjust to U2 structure as this work started before deciding on that.
  • Define optical surfaces
  • DD4HEP detector element
  • DD4HEP sensitive detector

Currently implemented geometry is the one corresponding to FTDR simulations and corresponds to DDDB branch upgrade/TORCH3. While we need to implement evolution of the geometry, we want to first keep what we have used before and have in detdesc to validate transition to Gauss-on-Gaussino and DD4HEP.

Validated by

  • Core Software
  • RTA
  • Simulation
Edited by Michal Kreps

Merge request reports
