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Corrections of dd4hep-CALO overlaps

Daniele Manuzzi requested to merge dmanuzzi_CALO_DD4HEP_overlap_corrections into master

This MR solves the overlaps between volumes, which are present in the first implementation of the CALO in dd4hep. In particular, the overlaps are just due to:

  • in Detector/ECAL/src/ECAL_geo.cpp the lines from 1395 to 1450 are a repetition of the previous ones;
  • in compact/trunc/HCAL/detector.xml the lengths of the sides of the volume named lvHcalHalfSubModuleReinforce have to be divided by 2 (ll. 33-35).

Note: The changes in this MR do not include the ones that are needed to run the simulation. The latter ones belong to the MR Detector/!337, which is currently under validation.

Merge request reports
