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Draft: MP: Adding hole in FT geometry for MP

Gary Robertson requested to merge mightytracker_FTholes into master

This MR adds a hole in the FT geometry which is the size of the MP detector. The exact geometry of the hole is still a WIP but for now matches well enough what is needed. I also had to revert the .pre-commit-config.yaml to a version from before the lb-conddb-schema-check was added as it seemed to cause a crash (could be since I am using an outdated platform).

Note also that this MR, as well as !463 and !529 (closed) will need a run 5 version of the FT detector with a different name before they can be merged, so that they do not affect the run 3 version. This MR also requires lhcb-conddb/lhcb-conditions-database!113

cc. @tlin, @lgrillo, @mwhitehe, @gcorti, @mexu, @emmuhamm

Validated by

  • Core Software
  • RTA
  • Simulation
Edited by Gary Robertson

Merge request reports