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Modify VP 2024.Q3.4 geometry to still include the 0.5mm shims and rename it 2024.v00.00

Thomas Latham requested to merge tlatham_updateVP2024Q34 into 2024-patches

Since the Velo shims are not being removed during the current technical stop (as originally planned), the Q3-Q4 geometry for the VP is modified to re-include them. These changes should be cherry-picked to master after merging here in 2024-patches. NB there is no frozen version of the full-LHCb geometry for Q3-Q4, so these changes do not modify any frozen versions. Such a frozen version should presumably be created very soon after this is merged (unless other subdetectors also need to make changes) so that it can be picked up for data taking after the TS.

Update: Following suggestion from @gcorti, also renamed from 2024.Q3.4 to simply 2024 since it is valid for the full year.

Validated by

  • Core Software
  • RTA
  • Simulation
Edited by Rosen Matev

Merge request reports
