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Make some sections of the corrugated foil thinner

Guanyue Wan requested to merge wangy_make_corrfoil_partly_thinner into master

Make the corrugated foil partly thinner.

  • design:

  • implementation:

Green thick part: average thickness (\frac{\sum\rho_i l_i}{\sum l_i}) before scaling 0.995 g/cm^3, scale factor 200/250

Pure Body Density \rho (g/cm^3) Thickness l (um) Area density \sigma=\rho\times l (g/m^2)
Woven material 0.995 200 199.0(100%)

Ren thin part: average thickness before scaling 2.2121 g/cm^3, scale factor 70/250

Mixture Body Density \rho (g/cm^3) Thickness l (um) Area density \sigma=\rho\times l (g/m^2)
Woven material 0.995 20 19.90(12.85115%)
Aluminium 2.699 50 134.95(87.14885%)
  • Among the TnT id from 101-271, for each 19 sectors in a column, the 2-18 are thinned, including: 102-118, 121-137, 140-156, 159-175, 178-194, 197-213, ...
  • with regular pattern: 10[2-9]|11[0-8]|12[1-9]|13[0-7]|14[0-9]|15[0-69]|16[0-9]|17[0-58-9]|18[0-9]|19[0-47-9]|20[0-9]|21[0-36-9]|22[0-9]|23[0-25-9]|24[0-9]|25[0-14-9]|26[0-9]|270

Validated by

  • Core Software
  • RTA
  • Simulation
Edited by Guanyue Wan

Merge request reports
