keep dd4hep id as is from gean4 in FT
Issue: Detector!556 (merged) changes the FT main volume to be an Assembly instead of a Volume with a defined solid, in order to avoid overlaps between the FT and MP. However there was a crash in the Gauss test gauss-2023-dd4hep (details). @tlatham found it is about
Reason: !979 (merged) allows us to use the same method for DetDesc and DD4Hep as well as the generic sensitiveDetector implementation for DD4Hep. Before calling it it checks the hit isInside the FT sensitive detector, but the DD4Hep implementation does not seem to work with the assembly...
Solution: The implementation of
needs to be overwritten by each subdetector and that is not the case for FT at the moment. We have 3 templates of GetTrackerHitsAlg after !979 (merged), one for DetDesc, one for DD4Hep and a third for the native Gaussino geometry defined via python where no DeElement is implemented. For DD4hep we can configure GetTrackerHitsAlg to:- retrieve it from DD4Hep that now has the same method as DetDesc
- keep what Geant4 has internally (and that is the coded value from DD4hep) as done in !1063 (merged) for the Muon system
Questions: are these changes ok in Boole? @zexu @lohenry (close #130 (closed)).
Following: If it is fine for FT in Boole, to not block MP merge requests, we can merge this request in, but then need a wider discussion with all detectors including U2 detectors
Merge request reports
added Configuration FT Geometry dd4hep labels
requested review from @gcorti
assigned to @mexu
added lhcb-sim11-dev label
@mexu, a simple way to check this is fine in Boole is to cross check that MCHits from FT have a meaningful value in sensDetID. Since this is the implementation before the configuration introduced in !979 (merged) and nothing has been changed in Detector nor in Boole following this change, it values have sense with the assembly it should be ok.
- [2024-05-21 00:17] Validation started with lhcb-sim11-dev#1880
- [2024-05-21 09:52] Validation started with lhcb-sim11-dev#1881
- [2024-05-21 11:14] Validation started with lhcb-sim11-dev#1882
- [2024-05-22 00:30] Validation started with lhcb-sim11-dev#1883
- [2024-05-22 13:39] Validation started with lhcb-master-mr#11569
- [2024-05-23 00:28] Validation started with lhcb-sim11-dev#1884
Edited by Software for LHCbmentioned in merge request Detector!556 (merged)
- Resolved by Gloria Corti
A similar MR should be done for all other Run3 detector and for the Run5 already merged.
When merging the code for the other Run5 detector a similar choice should be made.
mentioned in issue #133 (closed)
mentioned in commit fa9c9e13
mentioned in merge request !1081 (merged)
mentioned in merge request Boole!545
mentioned in merge request !1089 (merged)