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Fix LASS lineshape parameters in D0ToKspipi model

John James Back requested to merge D0ToKspipiFix into Sim09

Following a second code review for the D0ToKspipi model for HepForge, we discovered using the clang-16 compiler that the ordering of the last two parameters for the LASS lineshapes need to be reversed:

This was missed in the original Sim09 code review, and the wrong parameter types are not detected by earlier compilers (they would probably assume some appropriate conversion that would depend on the compiler version). Fortunately, fixing the parameters gives very minor changes to the mass-squared distributions within statistical fluctuations.

This correction has also been propagated to the R02-02-00-patches HepForge branch that will be the basis of a new EvtGen tag for Sim10:

Merge request reports
