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Gen/GenCuts: Minor update for LoKi::GenCutTool & new LoKi::GenCutToolWithDecay, see LHCBGAUSS-1437

Gen/GenCuts, see LHCBGAUSS-1437

  • Minor update for LoKi::GenCutTool:

    • better output, that is easier to debug, and in particular to know the relative importance of various cuts
    • error/warning messages/counters for "unused" cuts (usually due to misconfiguration)
    • error/warning messages/counters for "missing" cuts (usually due to decay descriptors)
    • split the code to allow easier inheritance
  • New derived tool LoKi::GenCutToolWithDecay. This tool allow to apply generic cuts (the same machinery) for "special" cases:

    • particles, produced with GenXiCC (tested for event type 26266051)
    • particles, produced with BcVegPy (tested for event type 14175001)
    • bottomonia (tested for event type 18244001) Essentially this new single tool can replaced all zoo of all specific Bc*, Xicc* and Upsilon* tools altogather
Edited by Vanya Belyaev

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