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Tuning for pPb/Pbp production with Hijing

Gloria Corti requested to merge cherry-pick-a2ec425d into master

Port the merge of branch 'LHCBGAUSS-1416.Tuning-For-pPb-Production-Hijing' into 'master'

Corresponds to merge request !374 (merged) into 'Sim09'

(cherry picked from commit a2ec425d)

6fd7bde5 Tuning for pPb/Pbp production with Hijing 5b90e324 All tuning settings moved to fc4187d4 added Sim/Gauss from Gauss (Gauss/v49r10) c3d8ac27 CMS energy set in Gauss configurable 881c33d3 Merge branch 'Sim09' into 'LHCBGAUSS-1416.Tuning-For-pPb-Production-Hijing' 9c136878 revert copy of Sim/Gauss reference tests and modification of configurable... 61b66fc2 Removed obsolete option files 859a1a60 Pass Hijing commands to all production mechanisms ee2637e6 Maximum collision IP updated 7f9cad33 Fix energy transformation from LAB to CMS

Merge request reports
