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enhance statistic when m(pK)~L*(1520) for Lb2JpsipK amplitude analysis: LHCBGAUSS-1632

Gloria Corti requested to merge cherry-pick-3f754c14-3 into Sim09-upgrade

Port the merge of branch 'LHCBGAUSS-1632.EvtGenExtras' into 'Sim09-upgrade'

Correspond to merge request !422 (merged) into 'Sim09' and !428 (merged) into 'master'

(cherry picked from commit 3f754c14)

bb6414f6 enhance statistic when m(pK)~L*(1520) for Lb2JpsipK amplitude analysis
9bb23464 remove unnecessary changes
67d4a71f Merge EvtXLL2 into EvtXLL
72b6616c Use Sim09 branch version of EvtModelRegExtras.cpp.

Merge request reports
