Access the polarisation in EvtGen for spin 1/2 baryons for Sim09
Port the merge of branch 'LHCBGAUSS-1827.Polarisation' into 'Sim09'
Closes LHCBGAUSS-1827
Correspond to merge request !561 (merged) into 'master'
(cherry picked from commit 5b501cad)
e0888eda modify EvtGenDecay to be able to set the polarization for all spin 1/2 baryons
d94be15b missing LHCb::ParticleID object named theId
c2923d96 put back the Lambdad (polarized lambdab baryons) as a separated option
9ad49ba0 put back m_generatePolLambdab
eb7f1d3d remove TransverseLambdabPol since it is not used
196e83f1 Try to resolve conflicts with MR !576 (merged)
eedc54c5 Second attempt to resolve all conflicts with MR !576 (merged)
9bf641df Third attempt to resolve conflict with MR !576 (merged)
9e4c706c Update EvtGenDecay.cpp
30bb9a37 Resolve conflict with MR less...