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Update reference for gauss-config-2016-epos-phe

Rosen Matev requested to merge rmatev-update-epos-phe-ref into master

This MR updates the reference for the gauss-config-2016-epos-phe test even though there is no obvious reason why that is necessary. It goes on top of !690 (merged).

The output of the test gauss-config-2016-epos-phe changed between 22 and 23 January, which can be seen in the lhcb-master builds 1299 and 1300. Note that the tests also fails in 1299, but only because of moving some printout around (due to using Geant4/v106r2p3, see also !690 (merged)).

There is no visible difference between the two builds when looking at the used commit in the checkout log of Gaudi/LHCb/Geant4/Gauss. There is no change either in the external option files (e.g. AppConfig) and the DB tags. Yet, the number of generated particles change, which points to some unreproducible behaviour.

What is particularly strange, is that the new reference is reproducible since lhcb-master/1300 and also locally.

Any ideas what changed?

Edited by Gloria Corti

Merge request reports
