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External Detector

Michal Mazurek requested to merge mimazure-external-detector into master

@gcorti @bsiddi @adavis @kreps

This package provides all the necessary tools to embed an external sensitive detector inside any of the geo services (should work with GaussGeo, DD4hepCnvSvc (in the future), or any other, custom geo service). This is done using a configurable ExternalDetectorEmbedder.

In the code, you'll find an implementation of a cuboid-shaped detector (should be enough for the majority of cases) and also a standalone world constructor where you can import your external detector and write it to a GDML file.


In order to create an external detector, you have to first add a configurable:

from Configurables import ExternalDetectorEmbedder 
external = ExternalDetectorEmbedder("YourEmbedderName")

Now you can start configuring the detectors you'd like to embed in your geometry:

from GaudiKernel.SystemOfUnits import m
external.Shapes = {
    "YourShape1": {
        "Type": "Cuboid", # required, this calls the right embedder
        "xPos": 0. * m,   # default
        "yPos": 0. * m,   # default
        "zPos": 0. * m,   # default
        "xSize": 1. * m,
        "ySize": 1. * m,
        "zSize": 1. * m,
    "YourShape2": {
        "Type": "Cuboid", # required, this calls the right embedder
        "xPos": 1. * m,
        "yPos": 1. * m,
        "zPos": 1. * m,
        "xSize": 1. * m,
        "ySize": 1. * m,
        "zSize": 1. * m,

# not required, only if you want to make your volumes sensitive
external.Sensitive = {
    "YourShape2": {
        "Type": "GiGaSensDetTracker", # required, this calls the right factory

# not required, only if you want to add a hit extraction algorithm
external.Hit = {
    "YourShape2": {
        "Type": "GetTrackerHitsAlg",
        "ExtendedInfo": True, # anothe available property

activating in ExternalDetectorWorldCreator

This is a Gaudi::Algorithm that creates sth similar to a parallel world. This is useful for testing purposes. Basically, the structure is the following: external world + your embedded volumes. YOu can also write this geometry to a GDML file and later load it with GaussGeo.

from Configurables import ExternalDetectorWorldCreator
from Gaudi.Configuration import DEBUG
creator = ExternalDetectorWorldCreator()
# creator.WriteGDML = True # possibility to write to a GDML file

# embedding your detectors in that geometry

activating in GaussGeo

from Configurables import Gauss
Gauss().ExternalDetectorEmbedder = "YourEmbedderName"

Embedding your own, custom shape

ExternalDetector::Embedder is responsible for building and placing your detector in the mother volume. You have to inherit from it and override ExternalDetector::Embedder::build() method that creates a G4Box of your detector.

You can then import your detector by following :

  1. Inherit directly from ExternalDetector::Embedder and then call ExternalDetector::Embedder::embed() in your code.
  2. Inherit also from IGDMLReader and then append your fake GDML reader to the list of GDML readers in GeoService for example.
class YourShapeGDMLEmbedder : public extends<YourShapeEmbedder, IGDMLReader> {
  using extends::extends;
  virtual ~YourShapeGDMLEmbedder() = default;
  StatusCode import(G4VPhysicalVolume* world) override {
    return embed(world);



This test builds a 1m x 1m x 1m cube detector and embeds it in an external world at (0, 0, 0). Here's a graphical visualization: cuboid


This test build PLANES_NO=4 10m x 10m x 0.01m planes inside LHCb geometry with no other detectors. Each plane is a sensitive detecto of type GiGaSensDetTracker.


Edited by Michal Mazurek

Merge request reports
