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LHCBGAUSS-1041: ReDecay support for SignalRepeatedHadronization

Dominik Muller requested to merge LHCBGAUSS-1041 into Sim09

This changes the instance of Generation used for the signal part from being a simple clone of Generation() to a individually configured algorithm.

This algorithm always uses SignalPlain but takes the configuration for the cut tool etc from the SampleGenerationTool used in Generation().

The new configuration has been tested with three event types:

  • 27163003 which uses SignalPlain and a simple "DaughtersInLHCb" cut tool.
  • 21163012 which uses SignalPlain and a private LoKi::GenCutTool/TightCut instance that is configured.
  • 12875402 which uses SignalRepeatedHadronization and a private "DaughtersInLHCbAndCutsForDinSLBdecays" instance which is configured.

The settings are correctly copied into the Generation("GenerationSignal") instance in all three cases and the output looks sensible.

Merge request reports
