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Draft: Fix Inclusive Userhook bug and configuration

Tom Hadavizadeh requested to merge thadaviz_inclusiveb_fix into Sim10

This MR addresses two issues with the inclusive b-quark Userhook implementations for Pythia.

  • The pT scale of the veto applied during the event evolution was being used before it was initialised. I've added more checks to prevent this happening.
  • When used with most generation tools (e.g. SignalPlain or SignalRepeatedHadronisation) using the Userhooks will mean the pileup events are also produced with b-quarks in them. I've rewritten the python steering script to overwrite the chosen generation tool and force the use of 'Special', allowing separate Pythia instances for the signal and pile up. The normal 'DaughtersinLHCb' generator level cuts don't work with the Special tool so I've had to use the 'BcDaughtersinLHCb' tool and change the particle ID to different hadrons according to the requested EventType.
  • The QMtest has been updated to use the new options file
Edited by Tom Hadavizadeh

Merge request reports
