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Updating LbMadgraph and qmt

Merged Ruben Pozzi requested to merge rpozzi/Gauss:mgupdate into Sim10
@@ -131,12 +131,15 @@ protected:
int hashSeed();
// Properties.
Gaudi::Property<CommandVector> m_userSettings{this,"Commands",{},"The commands to pass to the hard process generator."}; ///< The user settings vector.
Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_beamToolName{this,"BeamToolName","CollidingBeams","The beam tool to use."}; ///< The beam tool name.
Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_showerToolName{this,"ShowerToolName","PythiaProduction",
"The shower tool to use: PythiaProduction, Pythia8Production,"
" or HerwigppProduction."}; ///< The shower generator name.
Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_genHeaderLocation{this,"GenHeaderLocation",LHCb::GenHeaderLocation::Default,"GenHeaderLocation"};
Gaudi::Property<CommandVector> m_userSettings{this, "Commands" , {},
"The commands to pass to the hard process generator."}; ///< The user settings vector.
Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_beamToolName{this, "BeamToolName", "CollidingBeams",
"The beam tool to use."}; ///< The beam tool name.
Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_showerToolName{this, "ShowerToolName", "PythiaProduction",
"The shower tool to use: PythiaProduction, Pythia8Production or HerwigppProduction."}; ///< The shower generator name.
Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_genHeaderLocation{this, "GenHeaderLocation", LHCb::GenHeaderLocation::Default,
"GenHeaderLocation"}; ///< Location where to store the Header of the events (set by options)