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Update HLT to match offline for electrons and brem recovery

Olli Lupton requested to merge LBHLT-80 into master
  • Change bremsstrahlung recovery settings for electrons to match offline.
  • Add new electron and converted photon containers that do not have any bremsstrahlung correction applied.
  • See LBHLT-80

So-far-untested draft of fixes to the issues discussed here:

As you can see, I think that we should add a new container of photons with a low pT cut and then use the 'new'/'offline' BremAdder technique by explicitly configuring the BremAdder instances to use this new container. It's probably possible to centralise the BremAdder configuration to reduce the duplication in this MR, but I didn't try and do that yet.

As the 'old' standard photon container is a subset of this new container, we might want to create it via a FilterDesktop, but it might not be worth it.

Merge request reports