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Mengzhen xicc2 lcpi turbo line

Mengzhen Wang requested to merge Mengzhen-Xicc2LcpiTurboLine into master

Add new turbo lines for Xicc2Lcpi study. One for Right Sign channel(Hlt2CharmHadXiccpp2LcpPip_Lcp2PpKmPipTurbo), another one for Wrong sign channel(Hlt2CharmHadXiccpp2LcpPim_Lcp2PpKmPipTurbo). Modify the decay descriptor of Xicc2Xicpi line(Xi_c+ to Lambda_c+).

The selections in "LcXic2HHH" & "Xicc2HcH" of Hlt/HltSettings/python/HltSettings/CharmHad/ have been changed.

A cut about the Xicc fly distance would be added once we get more knowledge about its life time.

Merge request reports