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Tighten D0 to KSHH selection

Alex Pearce requested to merge apearce-d2hhks-threshold-tightening into master

Implementation of the suggestions @olupton made during an HLT operations meeting, addressing LBHLT-316. This means:

  • Adding a requirement on the significance of the KS0 vertex with respect to the D0 vertex (ln(D2DVVDCHI2) > 5);
  • Tightening the existing maximum D0 vertex fit quality per degree of freedom from 20 to 5; and
  • Fixing the buggy TISTOS specification in the lifetime unbiased lines, from Hlt1Track.*Decision%TIS to Hlt1.*Decision%TIS (to match what's defined in the D2HHKsLines module).

@olupton also presented these suggestions to the Charm WG. My understanding is that there wasn't any resistance, but I think the conveners @acontu and @spradlin should confirm that the thresholds in this MR are satisfactory for the WG. @adicanto may also be interested.

Merge request reports
