WIP: CharmHadSpec with ExtraParticleSelector
New version: !354 (merged)
I've started the rewrite of CharmHadSpec using the Extra Particle Selector framework.
I've added two new versions of TagDecay
, TagExtraDecay
and TagExtraDecayWithNeutral
. These take ParticlesToSave
The lines in SpecPersistanceLines.py
were copied from CharmHadSpec and use the new lines, and select the added pion, etc. The matching persistreco lines were turned back into regular turbo lines.
Commented lines in SpecPersistanceLines.py
are not going to be restored (not needed).
Remaining tasks requiring input:
Is one lone TagDecay at top convertible? lines 154-156 -
Can any more D^*+ lines be taken out of PR? lines 57-73 -
Rename the lines to something more obvious to newcomers. Using ..._Add_X
Add four primary lines from CharmHadSpec -
Run a test to verify that these lines actually only save what they are supposed to
Future merge request:
- Add configuration similar to
lines 87-103 - Add a
D* -> D0 -> k3pi