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Tighten Ds*, K*Gamma and PhiGamma and add new line Eta2MuMuGamma

Maximilien Chefdeville requested to merge tigher-turcal-calo into 2017-patches

I tried the following modifications to the CaloPID lines:

  • include the missing stripping cuts on the Ds, for that I added a new Filter that applies to the Hlt2Shared_Ds;

  • use TightKstar2KPi and UnbiasedPhi2KK in place of Kstar2KPi and Phi2KK for the KGamma and PhiGamma lines. In that way, I only modified and not the Combiners in The following additional cuts are now applied: PIDK(K)>0, PT(K+,pi-)>500 MeV and mass window from 300 to 100 MeV for the K and from 50 to 30 for the Phi. Looking at the offline cuts used for the Run1 PID samples, these are all used, so I think it is OK.

The Moore rate test results using v26r5p1 are:

  • from 30 to 10 Hz for the Ds* line;

  • from 10 to <10 Hz for the K*Gamma;

  • from <10 to <10 Hz for the PhiGamma;

So we saved 20-30 Hz which can be used to either lower the PT cut of the Ds* line or include the Eta2MuMuGamma line. (RM: the latter was done)

Log files with old and new settings are attached.



Edited by Rosen Matev

Merge request reports
