B&Q DiMuon lines for the 5 TeV run
Hlt2DiMuon lines for the 5TeV run, used by BandQ. Jira task: https://its.cern.ch/jira/browse/LBHLT-370 .
New Hlt2DiMuonBJpsiKTurbo line on PersistReco.
New DiMuon_pp_5TeV settings in the DiMuon module:
- removed the prescales to the Hlt2DiMuonJpsiTurbo and Hlt2DiMuonPsi2sTurbo lines, and moved to simple Turbo;
- Jpsi and Psi mass windows moved to 150 MeV.
Update of the Hlt1DiMuonHighMass thresholds in the Physics_pp_5tev settings.
Edited by Alessio Piucci