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Introduce IPCHI2 cut on D+ for KPi asymmetry

Laurent Dufour requested to merge LBHLT-410 into 2018-patches

This change closes LBHLT-410


Hlt2CharmHadDpToKmPipPip_ForKPiAsymTurbo      |0.07+-0.02     |0.07+-0.02     |


Hlt2CharmHadDpToKmPipPip_ForKPiAsymTurbo      |0.04+-0.01     |0.04+-0.01     |

Ran over 25k HLT1 filtered events. Would like input from @apearce or @olupton to know how they want to see this filter in the Stages.

Edited by Rosen Matev

Merge request reports