New inclusive BDT line for Xic+ -> p K- pi+ (Turbo++)
Merge request for MVA-based inclusive Xi_c+ -> p K- pi+ hlt2 line (Hlt2CharmHadInclXicpToKmPpPipBDTTurbo)for CharmWG.
- New structures in CharmHad/ 'InclLcXicpToKmPpPip' and 'InclLcpToKmPpPipMassFilter' for this line.
- New structure in CharmHad/ 'InclLcXicpToKmPpPip' replacing 'InclLcpToKmPpPip'
- Added new look-up table 'Hlt2InclXicpToPpKmPi_BDT_v1.txt' for this line, see MR!3
- See information in the following presentations for the motivation for these lines Hlt_Meeting_Patrick_Spradlin, Hlt_Meeting_Ao_Xu
- This MR is linked to the JIRA task LBHLT-417
Specifications of line:
- Preferred working point is BDT > 0.15 for a 50Hz rate but can be tightened for bandwidth considerations
- This line is for Turbo + PersistReco configuration
Edited by Rosen Matev