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Reenable Hlt2Xc3PiXForTauD02K3pi R(Xc) lines

Antonio Romero Vidal requested to merge romerov/AddXc3PiD02K3piLine into 2018-patches

Merge request for JIRA task LBHLT-440. The line for Xc = D0->K3pi is added with stronger constraints in the pions PROBNNpi(>0.4) and Xc tracks IPCHI2 (>15) for this specific line.

Then, for all the lines, the Xc DIRA is set to 0.995, corresponding to the stripping value. It was set to 0.999 by mistake, losing a few per cent of efficiency.

In addition, the variable Tau_VCHI2PDOF_MAX is set to 5. The previous value was 10. It could be changed to 4 if needed. In the offline analysis we cut on tau_ENDVERTEX_CHI2<10. Here I was cutting on tau_ENDVERTEX_CHI2/tau_ENDVERTEX_NDOF<10 with tau_ENDVERTEX_NDOF=3.

Edited by Antonio Romero Vidal

Merge request reports
