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  • Rosen Matev's avatar
    Merge branch 'LBHLT-56' into '2016-patches' · df285d30
    Rosen Matev authored
    Prepare threshold settings for pPb run at 5 TeV
    - Add `Hlt1BBMicroBiasVelo` and `Hlt1BBHighMult` lines
    - Add "HeavyIons" GEC to all lines (it is also the default now in ``)
    - Tune beam-gas settings (prescale on be/eb and looser cut on bb line)
    - Adapt the VeloClosing to the low beam-beam and high beam-gas rates
      - Add and enable Hlt1VeloClosingPV (on bb crossings), looking for beam-beam PVs in the LR
      - Change standard Hlt1VeloClosingMicroBias to run only when Velo is open
      - Set VELOCLOSING routing bit only for VeloClosing lines (remove BeamGas)
    - Remove the lifetime unbiased D0 lines (not needed and causing errors since L0 channels are not there)
    - Add Loose GEC to Hlt1CalibMuonAlignJpsi
    - Remove implicit GECs in the decoding
    - Exclude Hlt1 lines unprotected by GECs from the default filter in Hlt2 lines
    - Accept all bb events by the Hlt1BBSMOG lines
    - (Temporarily) disable the BeamGas lines modifications for the MD TCK
    - See LBHLT-56
    See merge request !174