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Support SIMD/POD containers and vectorised selections in new functors

Olli Lupton requested to merge olupton_vector_functors into master

The Rec MR has most of the description, go read that.

This MR:

  • Gives ::LHCb::Pr::Velo::Tracks an empty() method so it can be treated more like a standard container.
  • Gives Vec3<T> some accessors that are capitalised the same way as Gaudi::XYZVector (probably better to do a global rename to one convention, but this was easier.
  • Adds more accessors to the SOA::Container skin that wraps a v2::Track.

Goes with Rec!1601 (merged) and Brunel!830 (merged).

cc: @ahennequ @sponce @ibelyaev @apearce @sstahl @graven

Edited by Marco Cattaneo

Merge request reports
