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Make DetDesc Condition objects accessible as YAML::Node

Marco Clemencic requested to merge det-desc-cond-to-yaml into master

This change is meant to help with the migration from DetDesc to DD4hep, by allowing developers to access the conditions as YAML::Node instances in DetDesc as well as in DD4hep.

The trick, although inefficient, is to create a clone of the ParamValidDataObject content into a YAML::Node stored in the payload data member (the one used to allow arbitrary objects in the conditions transient store).

There are some limitations in the current implementation:

  • histogram parameter are not mapped
  • conditions overrides from the UpdateManagerSvc are not handled correctly

It's not clear if the above features are needed at all during the transition.

Note: I also added a small fix to a test stdout replacement rule only affecting DetCond.

Edited by Marco Clemencic

Merge request reports
