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Rewrite the FTReadoutMap in order to get deactivated links from Conditions

Louis Henry requested to merge lohenry-rewriteReadout into master

Currently, ReadoutMaps have to be specialised with respect to the activated banks and links, which leads to issues and a large number of releases. This MR aims at making of ReadoutMap.xml/yml a cabling map, i.e. a repository of physical information that does not change much. More dynamical information (source IDs, link activations) can be fetched from Online.

This does not solve the behaviour in DetDesc.

Needs Allen!1190 (merged)


  • adapt the checks in decoding that deactivating sourceIDs/links do not send data;
  • test
  • possibly, find a way to also enable this in DetDesc.

@clemenci @bleverin @elniel @ppais

Edited by Louis Henry

Merge request reports
