Streamline available states for track types
- specialise the available states for each track type according to their fit history. This is useful because tracks out of the pattern recognition have different states than their fitted counterparts. Defining this centrally in
avoids mistakes when converting among the different track implementations Pr <-> v3 <-> v1, see Rec#519 (closed). - with centrally defined available states, the Pr track containers now statically map state locations to the index in the SOA state field such that state quantities are accessed by location, not index, which is more readable
- move state-related SOACollections from PrTracksTag.h and Track_v3.h to States.h header
- implement zip-compatible constructors for RelationTable1D/2D and provide
function for ExtraTags access (foreseen access via Weight functor) new feature
Goes with Rec!3738 (merged) and Allen!1433 (merged) and Moore!3045 (merged)
Edited by Andre Gunther