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Commit 1e1bd0d1 authored by Marco Cattaneo's avatar Marco Cattaneo
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Update the release notes template to latest version from master

parent 58339439
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1 merge request!497Update the release notes template to latest version from master
Pipeline #1866000 passed
{% set categories = [
'selection', 'hlt1', 'hlt2', 'Configuration',
'Decoding', 'Tracking', 'PV finding', 'Muon', 'Calo', 'RICH', 'Jets',
'PID', 'Composites', 'Filters', 'Functors',
'Event model', 'Persistency',
......@@ -10,23 +10,23 @@
] -%}
{% set used_mrs = [] -%}
{% macro section(labels, used=used_mrs) -%}
{% for mr in order_by_label(select_mrs(merge_requests, labels, used), categories) -%}
{% macro section(labels, mrs=merge_requests, used=used_mrs, indent='', highlight='highlight') -%}
{% for mr in order_by_label(select_mrs(mrs, labels, used), categories) -%}
{% set mr_labels = categories|select("in", mr.labels)|list -%}
- {% if mr_labels %}{{mr_labels|map('label_ref')|join(' ')}} | {% endif -%}
{{mr.title|sentence}}, {{mr.reference}} (@{{}}){% if mr.issue_refs %} [{{mr.issue_refs|join(',')}}]{% endif %}{% if 'highlight' in mr.labels %} :star:{% endif %}
{{indent}}- {% if mr_labels %}{{mr_labels|map('label_ref')|join(' ')}} | {% endif -%}
{{mr.title|sentence}}, {{mr|mr_ref(project_fullname)}} (@{{}}){% if mr.issue_refs %} [{{mr.issue_refs|join(',')}}]{% endif %}{% if highlight in mr.labels %} :star:{% endif %}
{# {{mr.description|mdindent(2)}} -#}
{% endfor -%}
{% endmacro -%}
{{date}} {{project}} {{version}}
This version uses LHCb v40r8, Gaudi v27r1 and LCG_84 with ROOT 6.06.02.
This version is released on `2016-patches` branch.
Built relative to Lbcom v18r*, with the following changes:
This version uses
{{project_deps[:-1]|join(',\n')}} and
This version is released on `2016-patches` branch. It is intended for 2016 incremental stripping (S28r1pX, S30r2pX, S30r3pX) and patches to Brunel (Reco16) and stripping in 2016 simulation workflows. Builds with gcc49 on slc6
Built relative to {{project}} [{{project_prev_tag}}](../-/tags/{{project_prev_tag}}), with the following changes:
### New features ~"new feature"
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