Add Calo ClusterEfficiency algorithm
Add new algorithm that computes cluster reconstruction efficiency based on the MC information. Current criteria are:
- reconstructible: MCParticle has PT > m_minET, endVertex Z > m_minEndVtxZ (specific for photons) and at least m_minMCFraction of the MCParticle energy is deposited in a CaloCluster. Defaults: m_minET=50MeV, m_minEndVtxZ=7m, m_minMCFraction=90%.
- reconstructed: at least m_minMatchFraction of the CaloCluster energy is coming from the MCParticle. Default m_minMatchFraction=90%
Next todo (in a separate MR): add electron and neutral pion cases, further improvements to the definition of reconstructible
Needs LHCb!2605 (merged) and is needed by Moore!506 (merged)
Edited by Christopher Rob Jones