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Add CaloHypoEfficiency algorithm

Carla Marin Benito requested to merge cmarinbe_caloHypoEff into master

Add algorithm to evaluate the efficiency of reconstructing a photon or electron hypothesis given an ECAL cluster has been reconstructed and matches a MC photon or electron, respectively. This tests the efficiency of the classification of reconstructed clusters into charged and neutral, based on calo-track matching.

The algorithm also checks the background fraction: background from charged particles in the photon hypothesis container and background from neutral particles in the charged hypo container. The exact ids to be included in each case are configurable. An ntuple with various properties of the MCParticles matching the reconstructed hypotheses is written for further studies.

Following the discussion in the last WP2-calo meeting, a requirement is now applied on the endVertex of the MCParticles when finding the best match for a given cluster. Moreover, if two MCParticles have the same weight for a given cluster, the one with a largest fraction of its energy deposited in the cluster is selected as the best match.

Goes together with Moore!612 (merged)

References are updated in Moore!627 (merged)

Edited by Dorothea Vom Bruch

Merge request reports
