Draft: V0 NoBias lines with persistreco and problems with downstream tracks
Work in progress: HLT2 NoBias V0 lines for LL- and DD-reconstructed Ks0 and Lambda. Only mass windows are applied.
Things to do:
For now there is
in the call of theHLT2line
, but the idea is to find a way to only persist VELO Cluster information to enable tracking efficiency and multiplicity (as function of number of velo tracks) studies, so that the prescale can be less tight (for now they are not set). Tracking efficiency developments for HLT2 for Jpsi2mumu were done here: !967 (merged) -
Running the downstream lines crashes with:
ParticleRangeFilter#2 ERROR No ClosestToBeam state
I saw this error before here and it is related to cutting on IPCHI2 (removing the cut solves the problem, but the cut should be supported): !861 (merged) -> check the status for downstream tracks