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Add calo only reconstruction configuration

Carla Marin Benito requested to merge cmb_caloOnlyReco into master

This configuration creates empty containers of tracks and PVs using the algorithms added in Rec!2571 (merged) , runs the standard calorimeter reconstruction with them and creates neutral ProtoParticles. As expected, all the clusters are classified as photons and the pile-up correction is always 1.

This is needed for the upcoming beam test, where only Calo will take data.


  • check clustering results are the same as for the baseline reco configuration
  • check this automatically in the test if possible (?) -> finally added a custom reference file where the clustering counters (and all the rest) are checked
  • use selective calo-track matching. Should not have any effect but at least we would test that the selective algorithms also work with empty containers of tracks and PVs.

Will enable the usage of this configuration with HLT2 selections and add a pi0 -> gamma gamma line in a follow up MR.


FYI @decianm

Edited by Carla Marin Benito

Merge request reports
