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Add extra particles and more hadron combinations to radinclusive lines

Alejandro Alfonso Albero requested to merge aalfonso_b_radinclusive_extra into master

@yafan @alobosal The MR includes to main points:

  • Add more decay tree possibilities. Besides having charged hadrons, we may have Ks0 or Λ0 in their place, with the restriction that two neutrals cannot be directly combined (only charged with charged or charged with neutral).
  • The BDTs remain unchanged for the time being. We need neutral MCmatching in Moore reco mode to have a proper signal proxy for channels containing Ks0 or Λ0. But we have the setup ready for when that is possible.
  • As for the extra particles saved, we not only used MinBias to determine how many extraparticles are being saved on average, but also used signal MC to cross-check that the efficiency (in terms of particles already saved by the main decay trees) is >=60%. A summary of the performance of the "extra selections" is as follows:
Particle Cut proposed Channel tested Signal eff Multiplicity
ExtraHadron K_PT>1200 && K_MINIPCHI2 > 150 K1G_Cocktail_Down (12203271) 0.59 5.1
ExtraGamma gamma_PT > 3300 PhiG_Down (13102202) 0.65 1.25
ExtraKs0 Ks0_PT > 1200 && Ks0_MINIPCHI2 > 5 KstIsoG_Down (12203303) 0.67 1.07
ExtraLambda Lambda_PT > 1200&& Lambda_MINIPCHI2 > 5 LambdaPG (15102307) 0.61 0.93
ExtraPi0Merged pi0_PT > 3300 - - 0.96
ExtraPi0Resolved pi0_PT > 3300 - - 0.75

The pi^0 cuts have not been tested on signal because the main decay trees of the lines do not contain any.

In addition, the extra selections for the 4 radinclusive lines are exactly the same, and that will probably not change in the future. However, we don't want to restrict this simmetry by design. How do you suggest we should rearrange the "extra selection" code? Should it be moved to a different file so that the lines just import the filtered selections and add them to extra_outputs?

Edited by Alejandro Alfonso Albero

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