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Hlt2 Monitoring pi0 to gamma gamma with calo only reco

Aniol Lobo Salvia requested to merge alobo_monitoring_pi0 into master

To be tested together with MooreOnline!133 (merged)


  • Monitoring line Hlt2MonitoringPi0Line that creates a histogram of pi0 candidates reconstructed from two photons. See details at the end.
  • make_calo_only_reconstruction options in hlt2_global_reco

Used on real data with only Calo information available.


  • the persistency is currently modified manually not to require charged protoparticles and muon and RICH PID, which are not available in the calo-only reconstruction. This needs a proper fix. Update: fixed by !1589 (merged)

Needs !1589 (merged)

Information on Hlt2MonitoringPi0Line : Current cuts:

cut value
photon_pT 250 MeV
pi0_pT 1400 MeV

Tested on Upgrade MinBias: pi0mass_ptg250ptpi1400

LHCb__Phys__ParticleMakers__Phot... INFO Number of counters : 3

Counter # sum mean/eff^* rms/err^* min max
"Confidence Level" 167307 16557.42 0.098964 0.15984 0.0011237 0.92012
"Created photons" 226907
"Selected photons" 2000 167307 83.653 41.451 0.0000 184.00

TwoBodyCombiner INFO Number of counters : 6

Counter # sum mean/eff^* rms/err^* min max
*"# passed" 2000 1578 ( 78.90000 +- 0.9123568)%
*"# passed CombinationCut" 3369695 18147 (0.5385354 +- 0.003986936)%
*"# passed CompositeCut" 18147 18147 ( 100.0000 +- 0.000000)%
*"# passed vertex fit" 18147 18147 ( 100.0000 +- 0.000000)%
"Input1 size" 2000 101829 50.914
"Input2 size" 2000 101829 50.914
Edited by Carla Marin Benito

Merge request reports
