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Created a TOS test on Allen SelReports for single track Hlt1 lines.

Patrick Spradlin requested to merge spradlin-202110Oct28-allentos into master

Added a qmtest to Hlt/Hlt1Conf to provide a simple TOS test of Allen tracks against Allen Hlt1 SelReports. Because it uses a vector of tracks as the TOS test input, it can only validate single track Hlt1 lines.

The test checks two conditions,

  1. For each single-track Hlt1 line, the number of events passing the respective TOS filter is equal to the number of events selected by the line,
  • Single-track lines are identified by matching their name to the regex pattern (Hlt1(?:Track|Single|LowPtMuon).*Decision)
  1. Tracks are never TOS on Beam, ODIN, and PassThrough lines.

Merge request reports
