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Draft: Inclusive Tau L HLT2 lines, with hadronic tau decays

Tommaso Fulghesu requested to merge tfulghes-RD-inclusiveTauL into master

This MR will be closed since most of the decays are already covered by exclusive lines.

This MR prepares OS and SS HLT2 inclusive lines for (tau -> pi pi pi nu_tau) lepton processes, with lepton as (tau -> pi pi pi nu_tau), mu or e. The output will be stored on tape, as defined by the flag persitreco=True, in order to apply further exclusive selections through sprucing.


  • Find more proper tighter cuts (in particular for electron channel) on dilepton builder.
  • Use sprucing lines, already prepared in !1095 (merged), to apply further selections for the tape -> add HLT2 selection dependencies.
  • Test that the result of selections provided from inclusive HLT2 lines (from + exclusive SPRUCE lines (from is equivalent to the one from the exclusive HLT2 lines (from

Depends on make_dilepton_from_tauls builder in !1095 (merged).

Very high rates: proper selections for inclusive lines have to be tuned, in particular in the electron case, once the MC simulations for different channels are ready.

Efficiencies are evaluated without MC matching.


The following rates are evaluated for the upgrade_minbias_hlt1_filtered dataset:

Line: Hlt2RD_XTauTau_TauTo3Pi_OSLineDecision Incl: 0.7341653874390976 +/- 0.22 kHz, Excl: 0.13348461589801777 +/- 0.09 kHz

Line: Hlt2RD_XTauTau_TauTo3Pi_SSLineDecision Incl: 0.46719615564306216 +/- 0.17 kHz, Excl: 0.0 +/- 0.0 kHz

Line: Hlt2RD_XTauMu_TauTo3Pi_OSLineDecision Incl: 1.0678769271841422 +/- 0.26 kHz, 0.33371153974504436 +/- 0.14 kHz

Line: Hlt2RD_XTauMu_TauTo3Pi_SSLineDecision Incl: 0.40045384769405323 +/- 0.16 kHz, 0.13348461589801777 +/- 0.09 kHz

Line: Hlt2RD_XTauE_TauTo3Pi_OSLineDecision Incl: 6.407261563104852 +/- 0.65 kHz, Excl: 2.8699192418073816 +/- 0.43 kHz

Line: Hlt2RD_XTauE_TauTo3Pi_SSLineDecision Incl: 5.806580791563772 +/- 0.62 kHz, Excl: 2.5362077020623373 +/- 0.41 kHz

Hlt2 Total: Rate: 10 +/- 0.8 kHz

Signal Rates

MC Signal Eventtype HLT2 Line Total # Passed # Efficiency[%]
B->K* tau tau 11100014 Hlt2RD_XTauTau_TauTo3Pi_OSLine 37685 5322 14.12233 +- 0.179394
B->K* tau tau 11100014 Hlt2RD_XTauTau_TauTo3Pi_SSLine 37685 4984 13.22542 +- 0.174509
B->K* tau mu 11110010 Hlt2RD_XTauMu_TauTo3Pi_OSLine 33775 1465 4.337528 +/- 0.110839
B->K* tau mu 11110010 Hlt2RD_XTauMu_TauTo3Pi_SSLine 33775 832 2.463360 +/- 0.0843432
B->K* tau e 11123000 Hlt2RD_XTauE_TauTo3Pi_OSLine 30517 2184 7.156667 +/- 0.147557
B->K* tau e 11123000 Hlt2RD_XTauE_TauTo3Pi_SSLine 30517 1904 6.239145 +/- 0.138453
Edited by Tommaso Fulghesu

Merge request reports
