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SLB hadronic tau lines

Suzanne Klaver requested to merge SLB_ThOr_hadronic_tau into SLB_ThOr_migration

The following lines fail when building Moore in debug version:

  • b0todsttaunu_dsttod0pi_d02kpi_tautopipipinu_line
  • bptodst0taunu_dst0tod0pi0_d02kpi_tautopipipinu_line
  • bptodst0taunu_dst0tod0gamma_d02kpi_tautopipipinu_line

It seems to be related to the following builders:

  • make_dst_tod0pi
  • make_dst0_tod0pi0
  • make_dst0_tod0gamma

I've now removed these from the main MR so we can debug them separately while the other lines can get merged to master. @dhill @agiovent

To run in debug mode, you do: utils/ binaryTag x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc11-dbg, and then purge Moore before you rebuild it: make Moore/purge && make Moore. The errors I got so far were not very helpful to debug. After changing the builders to others, the lines work fine, so I'm quite sure the problem is in the D* builders. They disappeared when removing the combination_cut, but also when extending the combination_cut.

Edited by Suzanne Klaver

Merge request reports
