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inclusive dilepton trigger

Leon David Carus requested to merge lecarus_InclusiveDileptonTrigger into master

carus_Inclusive_Dilepton_Trigger_EWP.pdfInclusiveTrigger_RTA_carus.pdfImplementation of the Inclusive Detached Dilepton Trigger using ThOr Functors. It consists of 6 trigger lines for Dimuon, Dielectron and MuE combinations for both same and opposite sign leptons. The main selection is performed by a Monotone Lipschitz Neural Net trained on simulation. Separate NNs are trained for Dimuon, Dielectron and MuE combinations.

To be tested with lhcb-datapkg/ParamFiles!36 (merged). and with Rec!2808 (merged)

Edited by Leon David Carus

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