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Adding RD majorana lines for B2muepi

Valeriia Lukashenko requested to merge adding-rd-majorana-lines into master

Heavy Neutral Lepton HLT2 lines for B2muepi decays:

  • Bu -> mu N( -> epi) opposite sign and same sign
  • Bu -> e N(->mupi) opposite sign and same sign For now both down and long tracks are used. Written in the Thor framework. Closely follows the Run 2 definitions of Beauty2MajoEDDLine, Beauty2MajoMuDDOSLine, Beauty2MajoMuDDSSLine, Beauty2MajoELLLine, Beauty2MajoMuLLLine.


  • Currently PT daughter cuts are applied directly to the inputs since F.CHILD is not in the working state now. This changes the rates for downstream tracks (hopefully not by a lot).
  • neutral_hadron_filter used to filter true KS0 is currently in LoKi, therefore make_pvs is used there, instead of make_pvs_v2. Should be changed when basic_builders go to Thor.

To do list:

  • Make a proper test Rates:
INFO:	 Starting /project/bfys/valukash/line_development/stack2/stack/MooreAnalysis/HltEfficiencyChecker/scripts/
INFO:	 No lines specified. Defaulting to all...
HLT rates: 
Line:	 Hlt2RD_BpToMajoE_MajoToMuPi_DD_Loose_LineDecision	 Incl: 0.06674230794900889 +/- 0.06 kHz, Excl: 0.0  +/- 0.0  kHz
Line:	 Hlt2RD_BpToMajoE_MajoToMuPi_DD_Tight_LineDecision	 Incl: 0.06674230794900889 +/- 0.06 kHz, Excl: 0.0  +/- 0.0  kHz
Line:	 Hlt2RD_BpToMajoE_MajoToMuPi_LL_Loose_LineDecision	 Incl: 0.0  +/- 0.0  kHz, Excl: 0.0  +/- 0.0  kHz
Line:	 Hlt2RD_BpToMajoE_MajoToMuPi_LL_Tight_LineDecision	 Incl: 0.0  +/- 0.0  kHz, Excl: 0.0  +/- 0.0  kHz
Line:	 Hlt2RD_BpToMajoMu_MajoToEPi_DD_Loose_LineDecision	 Incl: 0.13348461589801777 +/- 0.09 kHz, Excl: 0.06674230794900889 +/- 0.06 kHz
Line:	 Hlt2RD_BpToMajoMu_MajoToEPi_DD_Tight_LineDecision	 Incl: 0.06674230794900889 +/- 0.06 kHz, Excl: 0.0  +/- 0.0  kHz
Line:	 Hlt2RD_BpToMajoMu_MajoToEPi_LL_Loose_LineDecision	 Incl: 0.06674230794900889 +/- 0.06 kHz, Excl: 0.0  +/- 0.0  kHz
Line:	 Hlt2RD_BpToMajoMu_MajoToEPi_LL_Tight_LineDecision	 Incl: 0.0  +/- 0.0  kHz, Excl: 0.0  +/- 0.0  kHz
Line:	 Hlt2RD_BuToKs0Pi_Ks0ToPiPi_DD_LineDecision       	 Incl: 0.13348461589801777 +/- 0.09 kHz, Excl: 0.13348461589801777 +/- 0.09 kHz
Line:	 Hlt2RD_BuToKs0Pi_Ks0ToPiPi_LL_LineDecision       	 Incl: 0.13348461589801777 +/- 0.09 kHz, Excl: 0.06674230794900889 +/- 0.06 kHz
Hlt2 Total:                                                   Rate:	 0 +/- 0.2 kHz
Finished printing HLT rates!

Efficiency (All Events, on hlt1 filtered MC): efficiencies

  • ? Add a tight line with extra information, in case I have failed these lines miserably and in 3 years no one knows what is going on?

  • Check the normalization channels lines existence somewhere else if not add:

    • Bu2piKs(->pipi) DD and LL - added in this MR
    • Bu2J/psi(->mumu)K+ : exists in B2CC and RD
    • Bu2J/psi(->ee)K+ : exists in B2CC and RD
    • Bu(Bc)2piD0(->piK) : Bu2D0pi and Bc2D0pi.
  • Right now electrons (long) with Brem result in segfault: fixed with Rec .

  • Can in principle be shared with B2mumupi decays @mborsato and @secholak or whatever you wish to extend it to.

Tagging @wouter for suggestions and improvement and questions I can not answer from the top of my head :)

Edited by Miroslav Saur

Merge request reports
