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HLT2 D0->KS0 KS0 lines moved to ThOr

Giulia Tuci requested to merge gtuci/ksks_thor into charm-thor-hlt2-lines

D0->KsKs HLT2 lines are updated to use ThOr functors.

Since at the moment it is not supported to have contiguous children with the same PIDs but different algorithm inputs, a workaround is used in the LD line to apply different selections to long and downstream Ks (we use D0 -> KL0 KS0 in the descriptor).

The total rate, calculated on the upgrade_minbias_hlt1_filtered sample, is below 100 Hz:

HLT rates: 
Line:     Hlt2DsToD0Pi_D0ToKsKsDDLooseLineDecision     Incl: 0.0  +/- 0.0  kHz, Excl: 0.0  +/- 0.0  kHz
Line:     Hlt2DsToD0Pi_D0ToKsKsDDTightLineDecision     Incl: 0.0  +/- 0.0  kHz, Excl: 0.0  +/- 0.0  kHz
Line:     Hlt2DsToD0Pi_D0ToKsKsLDLooseLineDecision     Incl: 0.0  +/- 0.0  kHz, Excl: 0.0  +/- 0.0  kHz
Line:     Hlt2DsToD0Pi_D0ToKsKsLDTightLineDecision     Incl: 0.0  +/- 0.0  kHz, Excl: 0.0  +/- 0.0  kHz
Line:     Hlt2DsToD0Pi_D0ToKsKsLLLooseLineDecision     Incl: 0.0  +/- 0.0  kHz, Excl: 0.0  +/- 0.0  kHz
Line:     Hlt2DsToD0Pi_D0ToKsKsLLTightLineDecision     Incl: 0.0  +/- 0.0  kHz, Excl: 0.0  +/- 0.0  kHz
Hlt2 Total:                                          Rate:     0 +/- 0.0 kHz

The efficiency of the LL line in selecting D0->KsKs decays is:

Integrated HLT efficiencies for the lines with denominator: CanRecoChildren
Line:     Dstar_Hlt2DsToD0Pi_D0ToKsKsLLLooseLineDecisionTOS     Efficiency:     0.095 +/- 0.016
Line:     Hlt2DsToD0Pi_D0ToKsKsLLLooseLineDecision              Efficiency:     0.104 +/- 0.017
Finished printing integrated HLT efficiencies for denominator: CanRecoChildren
Integrated HLT efficiencies for the lines with denominator: CanRecoChildrenAndHlt1trackmvas
Line:     Dstar_Hlt2DsToD0Pi_D0ToKsKsLLLooseLineDecisionTOS     Efficiency:     0.194 +/- 0.048
Line:     Hlt2DsToD0Pi_D0ToKsKsLLLooseLineDecision              Efficiency:     0.224 +/- 0.051
Finished printing integrated HLT efficiencies for denominator: CanRecoChildrenAndHlt1trackmvas

cc @lpica

Edited by Tommaso Pajero

Merge request reports
