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Draft: Merge request for line Bc2BsX

Tamaki Holly Mcgrath requested to merge tmcgrath_bc2bx_slline into master

Description of the line

Line for Bc->Bslnu selection. Includes selections for channels:

  • B_c^+ \to B_s^0 \mu^+ \nu_\mu
  • B_c^+ \to B_s^0 e^+ \nu_e
  • B_c^+ \to B_s^0 \pi^+
  • B_c^+ \to B_s^0 K^+

with three B_s^0 decay channels:

  • B_s^0 \to (D_s^- \to K^+ K^- \pi^-) \pi^+
  • B_s^0 \to J/\psi \phi
  • B_s^0 \to (D_s^- \to K^+ K^- \pi^-) K^+

Cuts ported from StrippingBc2Bs. Tracked in issue #288

Some generic builders also edited to be applicable to my use cases.

MC samples used in the development

Channel-specific MC:

B_c^+ Decay B_s^0 Decay Event Type Size
B_c^+ \to B_s^0 \mu^+ \nu_\mu B_s^0 \to (D_s^- \to K^+ K^- \pi^-) \pi^+ 14575001 100K
B_c^+ \to B_s^0 \mu^+ \nu_\mu B_s^0 \to J/\psi \phi 14545006 100K
B_c^+ \to B_s^0 \pi^+ B_s^0 \to (D_s^- \to K^+ K^- \pi^-) \pi^+ 14165002 100K
B_c^+ \to B_s^0 \pi^+ B_s^0 \to J/\psi \phi 14135000 100K

Contact people

@tmcgrath @adavis @mhilton @gersabec


  • Efficiency tables obtained through the wizard.
  • Cuts that may have changed since Run 1/2.
  • Plots.
  • Any other comment.
  • Report on use of TOPO, whether in sprucing or Turbo.


  • Close line-specific issue. This should be done using the gitlab quick action closes #[issue number]. This will close the issue automatically when the MR is merged.
Edited by Tamaki Holly Mcgrath

Merge request reports
