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B2OC: Tune B(c)+ -> DD lines

Fionn Caitlin Ros Bishop requested to merge b2oc-fibishop-b2dd into b2oc_upgrade

Tune cuts to reduce rate by ~5x while increasing efficiency.

  • Move Bc2DD lines from sprucing to HLT2
  • Add cut using generic B MVA
  • Modify IPCHI2(B), VCHI2(B) and tau(B) cuts for optimal efficiency vs rate
  • Cut on D_END_VZ-B_END_VZ
  • Change cut on scalar sum over B children pT to scalar sum over final state particle pT
  • Modify B and D mass windows to be suitable for analysis purposes
  • Tighten cut on D* delta M
  • Remove cuts on soft pion (these kill the efficiency, and the rate is still comparable to the other lines even without these cuts). Includes adding functionality to modify soft pion IPCHI2 threshold to dstar_to_dzeropi builder.
  • Remove D final states which are not useful.
Edited by Alessandro Bertolin

Merge request reports
