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B2OC: Reduced rate of B->Dh, Dhh, Dhhh, DstMuNu lines and moved the rest to Sprucing

Martin Tat requested to merge b2oc-mtat-rates into b2oc_upgrade

The following lines now have reduced rates:

BdToDstmMuNu_DstmToD0Pi_D0ToHHHH 20 Hz
BdToDstmMuNu_DstmToD0Pi_D0ToKsDDHH 0 Hz
BdToDstmMuNu_DstmToD0Pi_D0ToKsLLHH 0 Hz
BuToD0K_D0ToHHHH 100 Hz
BuToD0K_D0ToHH 20 Hz
BuToD0K_D0ToKsLLHH 20 Hz
BuToD0Pi_D0ToHHHH 160 Hz
BuToD0Pi_D0ToHH 20 Hz
BuToD0Pi_D0ToKsLLHH 20 Hz

These numbers are based on running over 50000 min-bias events (10^6/50000 = 20 Hz per event that is saved).

The total retention across all 9 lines is 8, corresponding to a rate of 160 Hz, or an average of 18 Hz.

@mtat @sstanisl

Edited by Alessandro Bertolin

Merge request reports
