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B2TauTau HLT2 line

Tommaso Fulghesu requested to merge tfulghes-RD-b2tautau into master

The taus are composed using make_dilepton_from_tauls builder in and then filtered with filter_B2TauTau builder defined in the same file.

Rates (from !1463 (comment 5436615)) image

Efficiencies !1463 (comment 5436589)

Adding fix to the names of the HLT2 lines and renaming sprucing lines BdToRhoTauX_Rho2PiPi_TauTo3Pi -> BdToRhoTauX_Rho2PiPi_TauTo3Pi. A decreasing in the output rate is expected following these small changes 👍

FYI: @fpolci, @tmombach, @mmulder, @farchill, @yaz

Edited by Tommaso Fulghesu

Merge request reports
