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DiMuonNoIP lines

Kate Abigail Richardson requested to merge dimuonnoip into master

HLT2 lines for the DiMuonNoIP selections. There are 6 different mass regions so the cuts can be adjusted for known decays to control the rate. There is also a displaced selection and a full mass line. The line with the full mass range can be prescaled to meet rate requirements.

Edit June 10: The rates that I get using Upgrade_MinBias_LDST which has 12373 events are

  • Mass range 1: 0.15% = 45kHz
  • Mass range 2: 0.10% = 30kHz
  • Mass range 3: 1.05% = 315kHz
  • Mass range 4: 0.06% = 18kHz
  • Mass range 5: 0.12% = 36kHz
  • Mass range 6: 0% = 0Hz
  • Prescaled whole mass range: 0.14% = 42kHz
  • Displaced: 0.25% = 75kHz
Edited by Kate Abigail Richardson

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