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Add pi0_cluster_efficiency counters

Konrad Klimaszewski requested to merge aszabels_pi0_efficiency into master

Implements calo efficiency counters using pi0. This MR depends on Lbcom!605 (merged)

Two separate estimates are used:

  • resolved pi0: energy deposit from photon originating from pi0 with B0 as grand parent
    • PDGID=22,
    • PDGIDParent=111,
    • PDGIDGrandparent=511,
    • minMCfraction=0.9,
    • minMatchFraction=0.9,
    • minET=50.0,
    • minEndVtxZ=7000.,
  • merged pi0: energy deposit directly from pi0 produced in B0 decay
    • PDGID=111,
    • PDGIDParent=511,
    • minMCfraction=0.9,
    • minMatchFraction=0.9,
    • minET=50.0,
    • minEndVtxZ=0.,

Both resolved and merged pi0 efficiencies are estimated using B0->pi0pi+pi- decay. In the case of resolved it is the photon efficiency that is estimated and printed, (resolved pi0 efficiency) = (photon efficiency)^2 approximately. In the case of merged the pi0 efficiency is obtained directly.

The code was developed by @aszabels. I've rebased in on master and updated where needed.

  • we've added new counters directly to standalone_hlt2_calo_efficiency, as was the case with check_calo_hypo_efficiency
  • updated to CaloClusterEfficiency now expecting also digits as an input

Current results with 10k events:

CaloClusterEff                         INFO Number of counters : 5
 |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
 | "# reconstructed"                               |     10000 |       3586 |    0.35860 |    0.48001 |       0.0000 |      2.0000 |
 | "# reconstructible"                             |     10000 |       4372 |    0.43720 |    0.49825 |       0.0000 |      2.0000 |
 | "# signal"                                      |     10000 |      10084 |     1.0084 |   0.096589 |       0.0000 |      3.0000 |
 | "More than 1 endVertex found for signal"        |         6 |
 |*"reco efficiency"                               |      4372 |       3586 |( 82.02196 +- 0.5807593)% |
CaloClusterEff_mergedPi0               INFO Number of counters : 4
 |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
 | "# reconstructed"                               |     10000 |         27 |  0.0027000 |   0.051891 |       0.0000 |      1.0000 |
 | "# reconstructible"                             |     10000 |        211 |   0.021100 |    0.15250 |       0.0000 |      2.0000 |
 | "# signal"                                      |     10000 |       1367 |    0.13670 |    0.43499 |       0.0000 |      5.0000 |
 |*"reco efficiency"                               |       211 |         27 |( 12.79621 +- 2.299678)% |
CaloClusterEff_resolvedPi0             INFO Number of counters : 5
 |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
 | "# reconstructed"                               |     10000 |        258 |   0.025800 |    0.18258 |       0.0000 |      3.0000 |
 | "# reconstructible"                             |     10000 |        785 |   0.078500 |    0.37059 |       0.0000 |      5.0000 |
 | "# signal"                                      |     10000 |       2435 |    0.24350 |    0.78384 |       0.0000 |      10.000 |
 | "More than 1 endVertex found for signal"        |        15 |
 |*"reco efficiency"                               |       785 |        258 |( 32.86624 +- 1.676527)% |

Two test will fail as the references will need to be updated:

CaloClusterEff                         INFO Number of counters : 5
 |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
 | "# reconstructed"                               |     10000 |       3586 |    0.35860 |    0.48001 |       0.0000 |      2.0000 |
 | "# reconstructible"                             |     10000 |       4372 |    0.43720 |    0.49825 |       0.0000 |      2.0000 |
 | "# signal"                                      |     10000 |      10084 |     1.0084 |   0.096589 |       0.0000 |      3.0000 |
 | "More than 1 endVertex found for signal"        |         6 |
 |*"reco efficiency"                               |      4372 |       3586 |( 82.02196 +- 0.5807593)% |
CaloClusterEff_mergedPi0               INFO Number of counters : 4
 |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
 | "# reconstructed"                               |     10000 |         27 |  0.0027000 |   0.051891 |       0.0000 |      1.0000 |
 | "# reconstructible"                             |     10000 |        211 |   0.021100 |    0.15250 |       0.0000 |      2.0000 |
 | "# signal"                                      |     10000 |       1367 |    0.13670 |    0.43499 |       0.0000 |      5.0000 |
 |*"reco efficiency"                               |       211 |         27 |( 12.79621 +- 2.299678)% |
CaloClusterEff_resolvedPi0             INFO Number of counters : 5
 |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
 | "# reconstructed"                               |     10000 |        258 |   0.025800 |    0.18258 |       0.0000 |      3.0000 |
 | "# reconstructible"                             |     10000 |        785 |   0.078500 |    0.37059 |       0.0000 |      5.0000 |
 | "# signal"                                      |     10000 |       2435 |    0.24350 |    0.78384 |       0.0000 |      10.000 |
 | "More than 1 endVertex found for signal"        |        15 |
 |*"reco efficiency"                               |       785 |        258 |( 32.86624 +- 1.676527)% |
Edited by Konrad Klimaszewski

Merge request reports
